Our Mission: Amelia Island Montessori embodies a child-centered education, grounded in Montessori philosophy and methodology, that supports the "whole child," inspiring independent thinkers and cultivating collaborative citizens.
Amelia Island Montessori School is an accredited AMS school, which is a designation that means we meet well-defined standards of excellence as defined in the AMS School Accreditation Standards and Criteria. About 15% of AMS schools share the distinction of being AMS-accredited. Accreditation is an affirmation that our school is implementing best practices in Montessori education, as well as in areas of health and safety, finance, and administration. It is the gold standard of Montessori education.
The Florida Council of Independent Schools (FCIS) was founded in 1954 as an organization dedicated to independence and quality of member schools. To ensure quality, all member schools must undergo an extensive accreditation process, with a periodic evaluation every six years. Schools must successfully meet FCIS Standards, demonstrate financial stability, provide quality education, and successfully undergo evaluation visits to be granted and retain membership in FCIS.
Membership in FCIS confirms the following:
DCF Certificate Number C04NA0004
(Many photographs generously provided by @hollybonnerphotography & @mynguyenphotography)