the montessori method

The Montessori Method embraces education as a tool for life. Based on scientific observations of the developmental needs of children from birth, it has been tested and implemented for over 100 years in diverse cultures throughout the world. The Montessori Method is a “whole child” approach based on a profound respect for children, a belief that learning is innate and natural and an understanding that children are curious and creative. Dr. Maria Montessori viewed children as more than scholars, seeing each child as a complete human being with dreams, fears, emotions and desires.

In our Montessori classrooms you will find:


Mixed-ages to accommodate a span of development


Classrooms are arranged in multi-age groupings to encompass the many stages of a child’s development versus their chronological age. Older children share what they have learned while reinforcing their own learning. Teachers, students and parents are able to develop supportive, collaborative and trusting relationships over this extended period of time together in the classroom. 


A prepared environment

In order for self-directed learning to take place, the whole classroom, materials and social climate must be supportive of the learner. The environment is beautiful, natural and provides the necessary resources, including opportunities for children to function in a safe and positive climate. Montessori designed many concrete multi-sensory materials and activities which facilitate the learning of abstract ideas.  Our curriculum fosters grace and courtesy, independence, peace, honesty and integrity.


The educators

A Montessori teacher functions as a designer of the environment. He or she is a resource, a role model, a demonstrator, a presenter, a nurturer, a mentor and above all, a meticulous observer of each child’s individual behavior and growth. Montessori teachers typically work with one, two or small groups of students at a time, advising, presenting a new lesson or quietly observing the class at work.  Teachers closely monitor each student's progress. Working with each student for two or three years, Montessori teachers come to know extremely well each students' strengths and weaknesses, interests and personalities.  


Individualized learning

Each child enters this world as a unique individual. A Montessori education honors this and builds upon this concept, allowing differences in learning style, paces and mastery. Students develop executive function (self-direction), learn to make appropriate choices and prioritize their learning time.


Our aim is to foster motivated, competent and responsible critical thinkers, leaders and entrepreneurs.



Our Mission:  Amelia Island Montessori embodies a child-centered education, grounded in Montessori philosophy and methodology, that supports the "whole child," inspiring independent thinkers and cultivating collaborative citizens.  

ADDITIONAL resources

The most comprehensive research on Montessori education in comparison to traditional education was published by a psychology professor at the University of Virginia, Dr. Angeline Lillard. Her findings and other studies show that Montessori students have:

  • more interest in learning
  • greater self discipline
  • a greater understanding of truth and fairness
  • increased creativity, especially in their writing
  • a broader view of how geography, history, social studies, and science are related
  • more independence
  • a better understanding of concepts from grammar and story structure to mathematical operations, algebra and geometry

If you would like to know more, the below videos and links are excellent resources:


Trevor Eissler "Montessori Madness!"



American Montessori Society

American Montessori Society's Vimeo Channel

The Montessori Foundation

North American Montessori Teachers' Association

Montessori 101 article

Montessori Terminology